Summary Draft #1: Building With Bamboo

In the article, “An Architect’s Guide to Building with Bamboo”, Chlo (n.d) states that bamboo is reverberated as a good viable and sustainable construction material.

The author commented that with increased transition from organic farming and embracing of new materials to reduce carbon footprint.The author had referenced permaculture expert Mr Alejandro Chellet, who held many building workshops across countries to bring awareness about bamboo structures, and emphasized its innovative use.

The author finds that bamboo flourishes well across the world with little maintenance and more near the equator. Harvesting bamboo between four and six years after the first few shoots, becomes construction-grade material and oftenly, known as the steel’s alternative. Bamboo requires less maintenance as it is naturally protected against microorganisms from harvesting close to the base.

The author asserts that bamboo parts are diversely used in the construction industry such as scaffolding and self weight structures as it is lightweight, easy and affordable to transport and low cost when bought near the plantation. 

